
Gagan Ferrotech Ltd, a flagship company of - Gagan Group of Industries, promotes and encourages economic, social and educational development within its communities while also giving active support to local initiatives.
It is a great achievement of Gagan Ferrotech Limited, that, we are always sincerely attached with Corporate Social Responsibility from the very beginning of our company. CSR is more than a particular programme, it's what we do every day, maximising positive and minimising negative impact.
Our Group believes that it is our corporate social responsibility to demonstrate environmental stewardship and promote sustainability-as we profitably grow our business.
Our Vision is - to actively contribute to the social and economic development of the communities in which we operate.
To us, CSR is a never ending journey, therefore, at our end, we emphasise on Education, Health, Sustainable livelihood and of course promote “Greeneries & inspire people to plant, nurture & celebrate the trees.”

Mr. Vinay Kumar Agarwal

Chairman-cum-Managing Director

Our Business